Little Bree Bird doesn't really enjoy tummy time. However, I do try to put her on her tummy during the middle of the day before her nap. For Christmas, Santa got Aubrey a little floor/crib mirror. She loves her mirror!! And I have to say that it helps make tummy time less burdensome for the little one, or at least I like to think it does...
I love these photos for the color. Her tummy mat is a rain forest theme and plays bouncy frog chirps and calming running river sounds -- the sounds you'd expect to hear in the rain forest, right? Also, I wanted to capture her little friar tuck bald spot that she's sporting. And no, I don't keep her on her back all day long. She has a tendency to rub her head back and forth before she naps/sleeps and I wish she wouldn't do that because she's rubbing off her beautiful locks of hair. I suppose it would be vain of me (and against all books written since I was a baby) to lay her on her tummy to sleep?? Don't worry, I have her sleeping on her back.
Also, this photo is depicting her awesome neck control that she's gained. She can push up her body now and hold her head between 45 and 90 degrees.
I think these are some of my favorite pictures ever. They really let her personality shine through. :)