The hospital where I delivered allows this company to come in and take professional baby "first" photos. I'm sure these are probably overpriced, but looking back and after taking a million photos with my point and shoot, I have to say they were worth every penny! Taking baby photos is hard and to make them not look so washed out too! We placed our little placard on our door October 30, indicating we wanted little Aubrey photographed. We were only allowed to choose 8 photos. Looking back, I wish I kept the cute little footprint photo. Oh well. Maybe my sister got one on her visit shortly after. Anywho, here are the photos. My favorite is the third one.
Okay the holidays were a little hectic and we have some photos that we've missed out on posting, so I'll do my best to get these up and posted over the next few days.
At Aubrey's two weeks old milestone, I was feeling a bit of what folks call cabin fever. I had seen all these TV adds for Disney's new movie Tangled, and I have to admit that I felt a little like Rapunzel waiting for her Prince to come rescue her every day at 5:30 PM. In my case my prince was Brian. I was accustomed to working 40 - 50 hours a week and with a blink of an eye all of a sudden I was stuck in my home all day only to find that I was waking up ever 2 hours to feed my little chub. I was a walking bottle /slash/ pacifier. Let's just say it wasn't bringing the best out of me.
So for a change of scenery Brian and I decided to venture out to get our first family portrait at 8 PM. I figured we could be the last group and hopefully the photographer would be willing to spend some extra time with this new family. Of course that did. not. happen. After waiting 1.5 hours for 4 other families before us to have their photos taken, it was finally our turn. By this time Aubrey fell asleep and wasn't really excited to be part of the action. We were given the option to come back on the weekend, but the sales lady does not understand how difficult it is to get a half drugged lady recovering from a c-section showered with makeup on, a baby dressed with no spit-up on her clothes (and mom's clothes for that matter) and to get her not-fully-into-getting-my-picture-taken husband dressed in a suit and everyone ready to go and be on time. No this little 15-something year old highschooler has NO FREAKIN IDEA. So after waiting 1.5 hours, a last minute call home to my mom to help with the photo session, a sleeping baby turn fussy turn outright-peeved-off-stinkin-hungry-I'm-over-this 2 week old drama queen, we got the following. A special thanks to my mom for helping me change Aubrey into her Mrs. Claus suit and making sure our hair was in its proper place!
And this is what we ended up with for our Christmas Card. I seriously debated putting the photo of Aubrey debuting her red face of, "I'm so freakin' hot under these lights and from having my photo taken so many times in not one, but two outfits" screamingSCREAMING pose instead of her beautiful serene happy baby photo. I went with the later. Again, a big shout out to my mom for helping keep me sane during this stressful event!
So, I've gotten a little behind on my posting, but I have to blog about this real quick before little Bree wakes up this morning. Yesterday as I'm sitting in my bed checking email, all of a sudden I hear from the other room, "OH MYYYYY GOSH.....IT'S EVERYWHERE!" Brian was changing a diaper and experienced his first blowout. So naturally I ask, "What's wrong hun?" as I'm trying to cover up my intense giggles as I had a suspicion as to what his gasps were in reference too. Yes, Brian experienced a major blowout parental first. He wants it stated for the record that not much of the bowel movement seemed to make it in the diaper, so yes, he even washed her garmet in hot water before dumping in a load of baby clothes in the washer. Awesome, I got a diaper changing and washed clothes out of this from my awesome hubby! Love you Bri.
About a week ago, Aubrey was fussing quite a bit. She had her diaper changed, was fed, was not cold, did not want to be entertained with baby toys or mama and wasn't taking to being cuddled too much either. So I thought that maybe I should find out where the Nick Jr and the Disney channels are on since it's been about 20 years since I last chimed in to watch a show. Naturally Diego was on. I've heard so much hype about this little show -- and Dora too. I have to admit I learned a lot about Beavers from my little Diego experience and Aubrey even quieted down for a little bit.
But going back to my original thought, as I was watching Diego a commercial came on for Luvs diapers. I'm a Sensitive Swaddlers Pampers fan; Brian loves the yellow to green pee line on the front and they're great on our little girls sensitive bum. Hey, if it means I can get my husband to change diapers, than I'll buy the special pee lined diapers!! Anywho, this commercial comes on for Luvs diapers and I was about to change the channel until I realized that in some sick way this, "Poop there it is!" commercial was cracking me up. I would have never of understood this commercial if I had never experienced what folks refer to as blow outs in the baby diaper changing world. So I've come full circle now in my post and have even managed to even include the commercial for your viewing pleasure. It's set to Whoomp! (There it is) by Tag Team. Maybe Brian will want to give Luvs a try?
Happy New Year! Our family has grown by one and we're super excited for our journey this year and learning more about parenthood.
Little pretty Bree-bird has begun a new little habit, thumb sucking! Aubrey would also like to wish everyone a Happy New Year as she sports her New Year 2011 body suit courtesy of her Aunt Alissa (thank you for the cute outfits!). It should be noted that her thumb is not just being sucked on the tip; no it's jammed all the way back in her mouth to the point that her index finger often rests on her nose. We inquired of the doctor of Aubrey's new habit and his response, "It's easier to take away a binky than a thumb." So we've been going back and forth between pacifier and thumb. Do you see the binky hanging from the pink and white polk-a-dot string? Yeah, it's not in Aubrey's mouth is it?
May everyone have a wonderful year of remaining employed, staying healthy and being safe in all you do!