Aubrey's first Easter was beautiful and very warm. The ski was so blue. I tried to coordinate the family in purple. I thought I'd get a lot of push-back from Brian as he usually doesn't like to wear a lot of color. I'd like to think I'm rubbing off on him a little or maybe it's the influence of the metrosexual man of the East coast? Brian actually looks really good in this color and so does Aubrey. Our little trio received many compliments at church today as we tried to look as coordinated as possible.
I'm thankful for my Savior and for all that he's done for me. May everyone have a wonderful Easter and a chance to reflect what our Savior has done for us, and for all mankind!

After spending some time outside, Aubrey made it evident that she was not comfortable with the heat, so we made our way inside to see my parents before they were off to their church services and to see what goodies the Easter Bunny left. Luckily we were able to get a decent photo with Aubrey and her Grandpa Lafleur. Our camera was having some issues, or perhaps it was operator error? We also got a family photo, however both Brian and I were sweating from the heat and humidity outside that we looked like we were both about ready to pass out, and again the camera had a weird halo/glow thing going on. Don't worry my hair did look better for church service. It's hard to believe our little girl is a few days shy of being 6 months old -- her first 1/2 Birthday!!!

And finally, the Easter Bunny did come and left little Bree her first easter Basket, filled with goodies to the brim.

Aubrey enjoyed eating a few of the eggs too....

We tried to venture outside again for some photo opportunities. The end result...let's just say a pictures are worth a 1000 words...or in this case 4, "Let's go Home, now!"