A first time birth experience wouldn't be official without photos! So I've posted some of the photos from when I was in the hospital. Here I am in the labor room, laboring away -- epidural and all :) I went into the hospital on the evening of October 26 to be induced. I was given cervidil to "ripen my cervix". Nothing like having my lady parts being compared to ready-to-eat fruit. Early morning around 8 am on October 27, I was given pitocin to help induce the labor and begin contractions. When I was dilated to between a 3 and 4 I decided to go ahead with the epidural; I think that was around 11 AM. After many hours of laboring and with my cervix not dilating past 5 cm, around 1 AM on October 28, my OB said it was time to go with our last option - a c-section. We prayed and called our parents to tell them what was going on and asked for them to pray that the c-section and birth would go well. I was concerned about having a c-section, not because of the incision itself, but for how well and how difficult the recovery could be. Let me just say the first time the nurse made me get out of bed after the surgery (approximately 24 hours after birth) I recall making the statement that whoever voluntary asks to do this is crazy! Additional photos below describe what transpired during LDR (thats Labor, Delivery and Recovery for those of you who do not know).
Of course we needed to get a close-up of my contractions and the baby's heart rate.
And to make it all complete, here is a photo of me in the middle of my c-section. Thanks Bri for capturing the moments!
It should be mentioned that I was completely freezing during this time, hence the look of "get this baby out of me, I'm freezing!" My teeth would not stop chattering the entire time. Also, it should be noted that I'm in a crucifix position. They put a ton of warm blankets on top of me to try to keep me warm and both of my arms are out to each side. I'm not sure what the full reason is for this, but I don't recall it being the most comfortable of positions.
And the fruit of my labor, literally :) The last photo is the first time Aubrey was held by her father. I didn't get to hold our little Bree until after I was wheeled to recovery and had a chance to sleep and rest.